The Process
Welcome to the Green Beret Foundation and iCare Concussion Group (iCare stands for Interdisciplinary Concussion Awareness & Rehabilitation Excellence) proof of concept project.
The proof of concept project seeks to demonstrate the efficacy of the iCare concussion assessment, treatment, and management protocol. The iCare protocol, developed over the past decade, alleviates the symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), persistent post-concussion syndrome (PCS) and Operational Stress Injury (OSI – formerly known as PTSD) and has the goal of allowing patients to reach their maximum rehabilitative potential (MRP).
iCare Concussion Group (“iCare”) will treat ten Green Berets suffering from post-concussion syndrome as a demonstration of the unique efficacy and efficiency of its treatment methodologies and approach.
Treatment of the ten Green Berets will be under the supervision of iCare, supported by preeminent medical professionals and researchers from Canada and the United States who will have an active role in evaluating treatment regimens and progress of the ten patients. This group of respected clinicians, who collectively have well over 100 years’ experience in treating concussion represent a unique treatment capability. This co-sponsored treatment effort represents the first of its kind to examine the effectiveness of a pre-established protocol of multi-disciplinary and sequential interventions in post-concussion syndrome (PCS) cases.
The proof of concept project will be supported by a Private Social Network (PSN). The PSN will only be available to the patients of the project and their family members, loved ones, or caregivers. Studies have demonstrated that an individual dealing with TBI, PCS or OSI, is much more likely to succeed when they have an established support system in place. The PSN will allow patients and their families to connect with other patients and their families in an effort to support one another throughout the project.
The proof of concept project is desperately needed. Although each medical specialty has developed evidence of efficacy within its own treatment area, no research to date has looked at the proper sequencing of treatment for the optimal management of PCS; that is, the appropriate sequence of therapies in the overall treatment approach. This information will be of great value to healthcare professionals, patients with prolonged and non-resolving PCS, insurance companies (which struggle to manage these cases efficiently), and medical-legal professionals who need to determine when a patient truly has achieved their MRP. With a rate of suicide in the PCS population three times that of the general population (even higher among combat veterans), this research could literally save thousands of lives.
All of this takes money, and we need your help. Please click the link below to view a message from the Chairman of the Board of the Green Beret Foundation, LT GEN Ken Tovo (ret). Kenneth E Tovo is a retired United States Army lieutenant general who served as Commanding General of the United States Army Special Operations Command. He graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1983 and began his tenure with the Green Beret Foundation in 2019.

Initial Phone Call
Effective and Quick over the phone assessment to start the patient’s iCare journey

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